Sunday, December 27, 2015

Gray Wolf Calling

My full moon in Cancer 24 & 25

Browsing for castoreum (butt secretions) musk.

Pheromone raw material for love potions for the shop.

The appearance of the lone gray wolf in my psyche.
Inviting me to run with the wind and howl at the moon.
A man's head (primitive hebrew resh) with long black shiny hair in pony tail.
I recall pow wow songs and bonfires.
Vision quests of how life should be.

The skin crawlers of the Navajo Indians, peyote and red earth magic.
Maybe this is my alibi.
I caught a love one the other day.
Disguising as a sex shop model!
On my chat room discussion about cyber safety and financial fraud. 
Yes, it's an awkward situation but nothing to be ashamed off.
It's just obstetrics and gynaecology in fishnet and lace garters.
This one raised me.
LMAO this must be the reason why I'm browsing for castoreum 
Thank you Papa and I love you very much though I'm 42.

Sacred Spirit(Yeha Noha)

Tonight, before I enter the inner sanctum of my being. I will be smoking a few sticks of fortune green(peyote substitute) and a shot of gin in my ming cup. As I caress the sword blade of my Wakizashi and Stella Matutina sword. I will say thanks as I let go of the past and a few tears will fall. Every slash creates a pentacle. To welcome the shaman in me. Awoooo!
Tales from the Pow wow 
*Gray Wolf etymology latin : Canis Lupus
Agnum lupo eripere velle(To wish the impossible. Literally to wish to rescue a lamb from a wolf).
I remember the legend of Rome. Twin brothers Romulus and Remus are nursed(wolf milk) and cared by a She-Wolf.  Syncronised with Magic the Gathering card "Sacred Wolf" HEXPROOF.
The Gray Wolf Origin Myth by David Lee Smith(Thunder Clan) retold by Richard L. Dieterle. 
Hixocka"Gray Fur" was made the protector and guardian of humanity by Earthmaker. He roamed the Earth with his 3 wolf brothers. Only Gray Wolf remained above the ground. 
Alpha Lupi is the brighest star of the southern Lupus constellation. Can this be the place where Gray Fur dwells?
To Return -Clouds Surround Me(Puyumuyumuwan)

Clouds surrounds me Seeing me nostalgic

They surrounds me with tears in their eyes
I want to be like the swallows
To fly between the clouds and steal your heart

Oh, what pain
Your ache is my ache
Your eyes are my eyes
Oh, what pain
Your ache is my ache
You believe that I'm seeing you, because you believe
Who will believe you that I'm here
I am crying
If I die you will miss me,
but you don't want that is what happen